Best Beaches in Portugal Map


Best Beaches In Portugal Map. Portugal is a place of ten million people, which is 1 million more than New York City. It looks tiny in population, but Portugal has to gorgeous and wide number of scenery. From Brag to Lisbon To Faro Portugal is a destination of beaches for travelers to explore. There is confusion, where to start? There is a list of the best beaches in Portugal, with special for every type of tourist.

Praia do Norte

BEST beaches IN Portugal Map

Are you ready to see high waves in the world? Praia do Norte is located to the north of Nazare. This beach is famous for its untamed coastline, including rolling dunes and lush vegetation. This beach is lovely to park an umbrella for the day, but you need to be careful when entering the water. Although swell is small, water can be rough. You can visit here during the winter months and enjoy waves close to 80 feet high.

Praia do Camilo

BEST beaches IN Portugal Map

If someone looking for a tropical feeling, head all the way south to the town of Lagos then make their way to Praia do Camilo. Travelers need to walk down a lot of steps to reach the small inlet of sand, but the view on the way down is special on the slow trek. At the base, travelers can enjoy their time on the golden sand lapped by the azure waters, which is surrounded by towering cliffs.

Praia do Quinta do Lago

BEST beaches IN Portugal Map

A short way past Praia do Camilo is an even huge beach, Praia do Quinta do Lago. The beach spread on for more than 2 miles and there are grassy dunes on one side also on the other side wide open crystalline. To reach there tourists must walk one of the longest footbridges in Portugal. But the view inspires both ways. You need to wear comfortable shoes, when you do it.

Zambujeira do Mar

To explore one of the cutest communities by the sea head midway down the coast between Lisbon and Lagos, Zumbujeira do Mar is important. This town offers cheap shops, delicious cafes, and the most breathtaking cliff-top scenes in all of Portugal.
At the ground of town sits a huge large sandy beach. You can reach here via steps or by driving down the cliff to the small parking place. There is an entire community that comes to life for the famous music occasion, when you visit in August month.

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Praia do Cavaleiro

BEST beaches IN Portugal Map

Praia do Cvaleiro is one more delight mid-coast. This is located on the Alentejo coast, this beach is small, but mighty spot. You can enjoy warm sands accessible via a steep staircase. The beach is uncrowded and it also a perfect scenic drive. The view from the top is a sight to behold.

Praia da Comporta

BEST beaches IN Portugal Map

Praia da Comporta is an easier spot to visit. The seaside community has seen a huge number of visitors, but thanks to its Hamptons-Like vibe and high-end shops. The beach is easy to access and number of facilities, including restaurants and bars right on the beach.

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